About Creative Residencies
Creative Residencies is a Dublin City Council Culture Company programme which creates partnerships to try out ideas, test new approaches and add to the city’s cultural vibrancy. We encourage creative and cultural experts in partnership with organisations, to think bigger and expand horizons, informed by the city’s people and places.
Commenting on her appointment as Dublin’s first Historian-In-Residence for Children, Dervilia Roche said:
“For a long time, I have been interested in how history is interpreted for and by children. Finding and understanding the stories behind our surroundings is both educational and fun but also gives us a sense of meaning and identity. For young people, this is especially valuable. The creation of this Residency is a brilliant step towards this, and it is such a personal honour to participate in it. I hope to create with the children activities and resources, both online and offline, that allow us to interact with history on different levels and in different ways. I am delighted to be working with Dublin City Council Culture Company and Dublin City Libraries – organisations that already do so much to bring together the people of Dublin in appreciation of the city."
"Most of all, I look forward to meeting our young historians!"